Well, we are 9 weeks today! I've had a fairly easy pregnancy thus far...just a lot of nausea, fatigue, and a but of irritability. Oh, and weight gain. Yuck.
I know we announced really early that we were pregnant but we have a lot of faith that the Lord will protect us and our little one. Plus, if something bad were to happen, I would rather people know and we would be able to seek comfort in the best of places.
On a brighter note, there are 2 other women at church that are also pregnant and due exactly 1 and 2 weeks before me!! It had been so nice to compare notes with them and seek wisdom from them (they both have one already).
My brother and sisters are very excited about our news. They keep asking when we find out the gender and when he/she is coming. It's very fun.
Keep praying for us my friends. Keep posting for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Keep praying for Chris as he has to deal with my fatigue and mood. Keep praying that we will be good parents and teach our children about the love of Jesus in our walk and talk.